Those who serve the medical profession must definitely use HIPAA Cloud technology at several points or others. For those who do not know, it is a fully managed cloud hosting service that can protect your business and give you a flowing business atmosphere. With it, you no longer have to worry about facing problems with business continuity in terms of natural disasters, hardware failure, and all kinds of other disturbing events. If you are looking for a reliable business cloud hosting service, then make sure you give a broad consideration for the use of HIPAA Cloud Technology. The most interesting, not only a very useful solution, it is very reasonable and also compared to all other business cloud consulting and storage services.
In general, the portability of health insurance and accountability ACT or HIPAA has set a careful standard in terms of sensitive patient data protection. Companies that run a business that deals with patient records are now bound to ensure that all networks needed, physical security and process are set right on the spot, and appropriately followed to ensure that patient data remains safe at any time. For this reason, it is best for business to utilize cloud technology that matches HIPAA.
Protection that must be in place
The business that chooses to have their data hosted with the hosting provider of SSD cloud must ensure that there is physical, administrative and technical protection. Regardless of the administrative aspect, technical and physical protection that must be considered is as follows:
Technical safeguard.
Technical protection that your managed cloud hosting service provider must be inclusive to place access control so that only authorized personnel can have access to electronic protected health data. These aspects are basically inclusive unique user ID utilization, automatic log off, emergency access procedures, and encryption and decryption. Apart from that, it is necessary to track the log that will exist so that any activity that occurs in software or hardware can be recorded. The reason why this aspect is given a very big interest is because it can be very useful in terms of showing sources or causes of any security violations that can occur in terms of patient data protection.
Businesses that utilize HIPAA Cloud technology must ensure that they cover integrity control too. This means that they have to put steps that ensure that e-phi has not been placed through modification. With all that, one thing that can be guaranteed by such a business is that maintaining their records remain safe, and fast solutions can be implemented in the event of failure or disaster.
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